As the owner of a small business you do not get paid when you take time off. In business, if you don’t work, you don’t get paid. Taking time off is an important part of staying healthy and energized. Owner “burn out” is a very common reason for business failure. Here’s a plan to enable you to take some time off: 1.Plan your time off in advance and begin by setting aside some funds to draw on during your vacation. 2.Plan for the business operation. List the basic, regular business functions… Draw up a step-by-step guide for each, stating who is responsible and when… 3.Complete unfinished business. Make a list and prioritize tasks that have built up and be realistic about what can and can’t be finished before you leave. 4.Set up systems and boundaries. Write up the procedures for how basic functions will run during the holiday, like phone answering, mail collection and handling email. Make it possible to have a vacation in which: 1.You need not contact clients or staff. 2.Your cell phone stays off. 3.Your computer stays home. 5.Security check. Figure out what you need to do to feel safe about leaving. What will worry you? 6.Prepare for homecoming. Clean the office before you go. And leave an action list to help you get started quickly.

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