Which is the Top Direct Mail Automation Platform?

Almost half of all marketers use a direct mail automation platform to execute their marketing campaigns. But how do you choose the top direct mail automation software for your company? What is the difference between these tools? Below, we discuss the features of Posta Analytics, AdobesSparks, PostGrade, and MailerChimp. Read on to discover the most important features of each. But before you make your choice, learn about these three automated direct mail platforms and how they can help your business.

direct mail

Posta Analytics

If you’re looking for a reliable platform that helps automate your direct mail campaigns, consider Posta Analytics. This automated direct mail platform syncs with other business applications like CRM and Marketing Automation to provide seamless integration. Its integrated tools help you personalize your message and stand out from the competition, whether you’re marketing online or offline. And, it allows you to track your responses online, too.

For example, Posta Analytics allows you to send one direct mailer per day, with costs that are typically less than $1. This makes it an incredibly cost-effective marketing tool. With Posta Analytics, you can customize your direct mail campaign with data about your target audience and personalize it to match their needs. In addition, it can automate your HubSpot contacts, track USPS delivery scans, and trigger emails from your sales team based on this information.

Posta Analytics is a leading direct mail automation platform that enables marketers to integrate their direct mail campaigns with other business systems. The platform helps them send personalized direct mail campaigns, track responses, and measure customer lifetime value. Whether you’re sending postcards to a single client, thousands, or millions, Postalytics will make the process easier. The platform enables you to send personalized direct mail to any contact in your database and track response rates across your entire customer lifecycle.


For small businesses and those in the education industry, AdobesSparks is an excellent tool. It includes a large image library and tons of templates, and it is easy to use, whether you are designing a newsletter or a social media post. You can even create infographics and digital portfolios with AdobesSparks. After choosing a design, you can preview and share it with your team. If your team doesn’t use AdobesSparks, you can create the layout and other aspects of your direct mail on your own.


PostGrade is another great direct mail automation platform. It allows you to customize and print your direct mail, and it has reporting capabilities that will help you keep track of who has opened and clicked on your mailer. You can even integrate PostGrade with your CRM or enterprise systems, allowing you to fetch customer data and report on how well your direct mail campaign is performing. It can also manage your marketing activities in general and is a great way to cut down on time-consuming tasks.

Direct mail used to be a large production, requiring months of lead time. Then, it often looked like junk mail. Today, however, modern direct mail automation software allows you to upload postcards, proof them, and mail them in a single step. With PostGrade, you can also integrate it with your direct mail provider to automate your campaigns. The platform allows you to segment your mailings by custom events and customer behavior. The software can also help you create a customized postcard for a subgroup of customers.


There are many benefits to using a direct mail automation platform. While many companies have long relied on broadcast mailers to hit specific demographics, these methods are not cost-effective. With a direct mail automation platform, you can use CRM to cull audiences and trigger postcards for delivery at the right time. The software can also integrate with enterprise systems to sync client interactions. Inkite is a top direct mail automation platform, so here are three reasons why it’s the best.

Inkite enables you to send postcards, emails, and other direct mail pieces to targeted audiences. You don’t need to hire a designer to use Inkit. Its drag-and-drop templates make it easy to create and upload targeted mail pieces. With its built-in market segmentation, you can optimize your campaigns and create compelling calls to action. Inkite also offers plug-and-play design and market segmentation.

Inkite also integrates with Sailthru. Its Smart Lists dynamically build your direct mail audience based on behavioral signals like uninstalling apps or not opening emails. You can use this data to target the right audience for winback offers and other direct mail campaigns. The software also integrates with Sailthru and Hubspot, which can help you make sure your mail campaigns are triggered.